
Great new features for Azure and AWS users plus download Cloudockit Desktop easily

Cloudockit’s newest release is packed with interesting upgrades requested by our great patrons and of course some bug fixes.

Cloudockit v4.02.04 Highlighted features

Cloudockit Desktop

  • Cloudockit Desktop is now featured on our new home page which facilitates access to our local solution. Download our desktop version today

Microsoft Azure

  • PostgreSQL and MariaDB are now fully documented in Azure
  • SQL diagrams for managed instances/servers in Azure are now included in the documentation

Amazon Web Services

  • Cloudockit now supports MFA for AWS Access Keys


  • Cloudockit compliance rules can now be shared with the rest of your team. When you create a new Compliance Rule, you can choose to make it available to all people who have the same license code

More new features

  • “AmazonIamUser“ and “AmazonIamUserDetail“ are consolidated “intoAmazonIamUser”
  • Load Balancers now features detailed information like Frontend IP Configurations, Health probes, Inbound rules, and more
  • You can now choose if you want to generate diagrams by Location or not
  • Filtering by AWS Tags is now supported: you can specify the tag name and its value to filter only the resources you want
  • JSON and LDIF output can be customized with options that are now available in the Web UI and in Cloudockit Desktop
  • You can now import/export plain JSON files into Cloudockit Desktop to allow you to manually edit the configurated file
  • You can now drop the generated file into AWS S3 Bucket when you use the multi-account authentication scenario with cross-account role

Bug fixes

  • SQL Server to Diagnostic storage connection are now detected
  • Fix on Tags are not applying to document generation
  • Missing Recovery Service Vaults attributes
  • Lucidchart – Diagrams not generating
  • Do not save stuff related to configurations selection in the Export Configuration as JSON Option