
Drop-off Your Cloudockit Documents in Confluence

After popular demand, you are now able to drop your Cloudockit documentation in your Confluence team workspace. This is the 11th drop-off location Cloudockit offers, making the software the most versatile on the market.

By adding your documentation in Confluence, your team will have constant access to critical information. Make sure to use our Scheduling and API tool to ensure your reports are always up to date.

How Will it Work?

The process of setting up your Confluence workspace to receive your Cloudockit reports is simple. After a quick setup in your account, finding the Confluence URL, creating a Confluence Space Key, and finally creating an API token, you will simply enter the information in Cloudockit.

Follow the step-by-step guide in Cloudockit’s Knowledge Base.

Organizing Your Reports in Confluence

Once your reports are saved in Confluence, they will be categorized by date and give you the opportunity to download them. You will also be able to search for your files by name or tag.

Try it now, simply login to Cloudockit and start generating your documents.

In Case You Missed It

High-level PowerPoint & Excel Cloud Reports

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More to Come – Cloudockit IT Portal in Confluence

In addition to dropping the Cloudockit report files into Confluence Cloud, Cloudockit is working on a more advanced integration with Confluence. Soon, you will be able to view all your cloud resources and applications as pages directly in Confluence with the help of a “light” version of Cloudockit IT Portal.

We already have an alpha version that we are working on, and it looks like this:

As shown in the image above (right), you can see the list of applications of resources. Each application or resource are pages where you will be able to edit or enter your own page properties to add contextual information.

Read the full list of features

Release Notes