Cloudockit’s high-level reports consist of 2 types of documents: Excel and PowerPoint.
These documents help you monitor your cloud environment by displaying, through various tables and charts, an overall view of the changes occurring across your resources on a weekly or monthly basis. The documents are useful to track the changes in your resources, resource categories, resource types, tags, applications, warnings, and their associated costs.
The Excel document includes spreadsheets containing charts, pivot tables, and tables. The charts and tables list different stats from your resources and are organized by resource categories and by tags. The Excel documents allow you to have a customized experience by enabling you to modify the charts, pivot table, and display elements based on the data found by Cloudockit.
The PowerPoint document has more visual content and is useful for presentations with its different charts and summarized tables. The charts in the PowerPoint document are also customizable.
Before starting:
In the first spreadsheet, 10 charts across 3 sections are displayed. They include:
Overall Resources Status
The Cost Information Trend
Security and Best Practices Trend
Pivot tables offer a summarized view of the data found in the Categories Tables by displaying the totals of your costs, numbers of resources, and numbers warning for different dates.
This table contains relevant statistics of your resources organized by subscription and resource category (Top category then Category) for each scan date.
For each resource category, you will find statistics computed for each scan period. These include:
The additional statistics in the table relate to the numbers of security, availability, and best practices warnings for the category.
You can also build your own pivot tables and charts for subscriptions or resource categories based on the detailed data found in your cloud environment.
The Tags Table spreadsheet will include the same stats of your resources, however, they will be organized by Tag, TagKey/TagValue. The table will also include the type of tag, as specified by the user in the Organize Content tab on the Cloudockit UI, and if it’s a billing tag.
The PowerPoint document is designed differently with more categories of information summarized through various charts and tables adapted for a PowerPoint presentation.
The comparison period displayed indicates the timeframe used to compute the resource changes. It is the state of the resources from the current scan compared to the state of the resources from the previous scan.
This comparison period can be slightly different from the timeframe used for the information of the costs if the scan dates do not correspond to the billing intervals. This is because the spending data is always gathered on fixed intervals, depending on the selected frequency:
For this reason, it is highly advised to schedule the scan on Monday for weekly, and on the 1st day of the month for monthly. That way the resources and spending information displayed are in sync.
This subsection lists the subscriptions, names, and IDs currently present in your environment.
The summary section is separated into 5 subsections and contains various tables summarizing the diverse metrics:
This section displays the following changes compared to the previous scan:
This Resources section displays the list of added and deleted resources for the scan period.
Under Applications, you will see the list of added and deleted applications for the scan period.
This section presents the list of changes that occurred between 2 scans on the resources that are not tagged.
The possible values for these changes are:
The monitoring slides contain charts and tables displaying information for resource distribution, their changes, spending trends, and warning trends.
The cost trends section displays the cost trends for the previous billing periods, week, or month.
Billing watch discloses information on the important billing changes that occurred during the last billing period.
The possible values displayed are:
This section contains bar charts for all the security, availability, and best practices warnings for all periods. Additionally, you will find a table listing the main warning changes compared to the previous scan.
The possible values displayed are:
Contains a table displaying the following information for the current period and the change detected:
The detailed information section contains more in-depth information for each subscription.
Total cost trend for the subscription and for each category.
Charts for trends for high security and high availability warnings.
The warning changes table lists changes in new high security and high availability warnings.
This part contains information about the added, deleted resources, and their type.