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Drop Off in Azure DevOps Repository

The purpose of this document is to provide the detailed steps to configure Azure DevOps as a drop-off location for your Cloudockit documentation on the SaaS or the Desktop version.

Identifying the Azure DevOps Repository

Identifying the Azure DevOps Repository

The first step is to identify the Azure DevOps directory where you want to drop your documents.

Screenshot Azure DevOps

The information that will be needed in the Cloudockit drop off configuration is the following: 

  • Organization URL, (https://dev.azure.com/{Your organization name})
  • Project name
  • Repository name
  • Destination branch.

For our example:

  • Organization URL: https://dev.azure.com/Cloudockit/
  • Project name: Cloudockit-DevOps
  • Repository name: Cloudockit-Test
  • The destination branch: refs/heads/main (Full reference here: refs/heads/{your branch name})

    At this point, you can also navigate your repository and search for a destination folder to send your generated files to. If you specified something that does not exist, Cloudockit will create it for you. In our example, we will choose “/doc/cloudockit”.

Creating a Personal Access Token

Make sure you are logged in with an account that has write access to the repository. In the top right corner of the website, click on the user settings icon to display a drop-down menu and select Personal access token.

Cloudockit Personal access tokens

Then click New Token, specify a name for the token, configure your desired expiration, select Read & Write in the Code section, and then click on the Create button.

Screenshot Azure DevOps
Create a new personal access token

Make sure to copy your personal access token, it will be used when configuring the document generation on Cloudockit.

Configuration of the Drop-off

Connect to Cloudockit and select the platform of your choice.

Select Drop-Off from the left menu.

Check DevOps.

Make sure to uncheck Drop-off options that you do not need.

Fill in the Fields.

By default, Cloudockit creates a branch, pushes the generated document on this branch, and then creates a pull request from this branch up to the specified destination branch. There is a possibility to use direct commit to push on the specified branch. Use this feature only if you know what you are doing. The recommended practice is to use pull requests.

Screenshot Cloudockit

When you are ready, click Validate to test the connection with Azure DevOps.

Screenshot Cloudockit Azure DevOps

A message will display confirming the connection to Azure DevOps was successful. From there you are ready to launch your document generation.

Accessing the Files

Once the generation is over, there will be links you can click that will open a new tab where the file is located. A link to the pull request will also be listed. Confirmation email will also have those links listed.

Screenshot Cloudockit
Screenshot Cloudockit Desktop

In our example, a pull request is now open and in the Cloudockit branch containing the generated files.

Screenshot Azure DevOps

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